Literacy has always been a high priority in Fenor National School. One of the highlights of the school calendar is our annual Book Fair Week which takes place in early March. This is a great way of getting children excited about reading !
The arrival of the glossy brochure followed by the School Book Review competition ignites the children’s interest and whets their appetites for reading. Each child from junior infants to sixth class completes a review of their favourite book and eagerly awaits the announcement of the winners. Excitement reaches fever-pitch on the day the Book Fair arrives and the much sought after book prizes are awarded. It is delightful to witness the children’s pleasure as they select their very own prizes!
Book Week is a very busy and enjoyable week with a percentage of the proceeds going towards restocking our well used class libraries each year. Great credit is due to all the parents in Fenor National School who have so generously supported Book Fair Week down through the years.