Green Schools
Fenor N.S has a proud tradition of participating in An Taisce’s Green Schools since 1998.
Green Schools is a student-led programme, promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment.
The Green Schools flag is awarded every two years and to date, Fenor N.S has achieved a flag under the themes of:
Litter and Waste
Global Citizenship- Litter and Waste
Global Citizenship- Energy
Global Citizenship- Marine Environment
Global Citizenship- Travel
We will begin our 10th Green Schools Flag under the theme, Global Citizenship- Food and Biodiversity, in 2020.
Our Green Schools Committee is made up of two representatives from each class and we meet once a fortnight. The meetings are hosted by the students and the agenda for the subsequent meeting is set by the students also. We encourage all our students to maintain our environment and “go green” as much as possible.
We maintain a flower and vegetable garden in our endeavours to promote biodiversity and have daily litter-picking agents, who do a fantastic job at maintaining our school grounds. Every May, our older classes go to the local beaches and complete a beach clean-up. We are proud to be strong and active ambassadors for the Green Schools initiative here in Fenor N.S.